This Portal is designed to customize PEER REVIEW of Radiologists as per guidelines set by different Radiology Boards in different countries.


We are an International Teleradiology company operating in various geographical locations around the world.
Peer review is accepted as the most common method to assess the performance of a Radiologist.
This is an acceptable method worldwide and there are different parameters set by the Radiology Boards of respective countries.
Some countries have made peer review mandatory.

QA Portal Services
Radiologist Performance
Through this RADIOLOGY QA PORTAL, any radiologist can have a transparent evaluation of his/her performance. This, in turn, helps the Radiologist to evaluate his/her own performance and also for reviewing the quality of reports in terms of medical and clinical knowledge. This Portal aims to help any Radiologist in any country to enhance knowledge, reduce errors and improve quality of reports thus helping in the enhancement of patient care.
Secure Stored Service
All our data is securely stored and different dashboards and statistical analysis can help in identifying the quality of a Radiologist thus facilitating the benchmarking of a Radiologist.
User Friendly Dashboard
User friendly dash boards for use
Client Requirements
Can be calibrated as per client requirements
Seamless integration with PACS
Patient Care
Betterment of patient care
Contact US


Contact Address
RAD365 Inc
3350 SW 148th Avenue
Suite 110   Miramar   FL 33027, USA
Phone: +1-954-859-9540
Email:  info@radqaportal.com

Location Map